About InstallateursZaken

We now introduce the fully web-based edition of IZ. This edition responds to the way information nowadays is gathered on the Internet. In a new, Internet-optimized layout we publish all individual items, headings, columns etc. that are published in our print version. The benefits: all information is available by category and readable on screen (PC, tablet or smartphone). Moreover, the new structure provides even more opportunities to link relevant background information to the articles. In addition, this digital IZ will provide interesting opportunities for you as advertising company. You can now communicate your message towards our wide audience of readers – the installation professionals (circulation 8000) – enlarged with a significantly improved visibility of your digital advertisement in our web-based edition. 

Of course, the editors of IZ continue to write about the latest developments in the field of Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Measurement and control, Renewable Energy and Plumbing. But increasingly, the focus will be on developments in the area of Smart Technology. Consumers and businesses now have high expectations about their home environment or workplace, regarding the use of smart technical solutions. Office buildings are being equipped with smart systems that automatically adjust the solar panels to the movement of the sun. Wifi is used to control home lighting and wireless charging technologies are replacing the traditional wall outlets. Healthcare systems are used to help staff and residents to facilitate their daily work or life. All this can be gathered under Smart Technology.
IZ co-operates with established organizations in the engineering sector, such as Uneto-VNI, ISSO, OTIB, NEN, KNX and Kiwa. These organizations produce columns and contribute to articles on regularly bases, using their specific knowledge of the branche. This ensures the IZ-reader of objective information, to be used for his daily practice.